Friday, May 05, 2006

but you can't stay here

in commemoration of my last day of class as a junior, i suppose it's time for an update! and guess what, it's your favorite kind -- the written form of the mumbo jumbo that is being shaken up silly in that thing i call my brain.

so since classes just ended, i guess i'll say a lil somethin somethin about my academic career this past semester. my second semester as a PPA student has been quite interesting. interesting in the sense that i have become quite the unmotivated fellow when it comes to studying. however, as of right now, i am expecting 3 or 4 A's and only 1 or 2 B's, so i must be doing something right. the main reason for this lack of motivation would have to be recruiting. for what seems like forever now, i have been going to event after event after event with ernst & young, pwc, and kpmg.

to be honest, i know i am spoiled. i get all this free stuff, and firms are practically forcing a nicely paid internship onto my lap, so i shouldn't complain. but MAN, this recruiting thing is so tiring. it's almost like a boot camp, but it's definitely been a good experience. breakfasts, lunches, dinners, paintball, luau, scavenger hunt, and even golf -- it's been a long 3 weeks.

so a couple of days ago, peter asked me to go to class with him. i must have confused "come to class with me" with "you want some ice cream" because for some reason, i said yes. so we suffer through the blazing heat for about 5 miles until we at last arrive at the engineering building somewhere in the city of austin, and though we're 5 minutes late, we stumble into class.

and...there's a pop quiz! hooray! so i plop down in a seat next to pedro and read over the question. something about x being a random variable in a uniform distribution of variables from 1 to 10,000, and what is the probability that the sum of these digits is greater than 4? i rummage through my backpack in search for a pencil or a pen, but somehow all i brought with me was a freaking orange highlighter. yipee. i then spend the next 10 minutes doing 3 things:

1. pretending like i was deep in concentration whenever the professor glanced in my direction
2. whispering to peter to give me a pencil
3. wishing i had never agreed to come to that stupid class

peter finishes his quiz, and i grab his pencil. i put my name as "michael jordan," and just to show some work on the paper so i don't look like a complete fool, i scribble down something like "X: 1,...,10000" and "(D1+D2+D3+D4)>4." then it's time for the grand finale of an answer: "the probability is somewhere between 0 and 100%." i turned the darn thing in and jetted outta there, and that, my friends, was my sole experience in an engineering building. i vow to never again enter such a building again.

so orange and white was last week, and i had lots of fun. thanks ophelia for putting up with me for an entire night, and thanks to lex for paying for everybody's dinner! whattaballer. oh and i think it's safe to say that i am now a ballroom expert. and a self-proclaimed merengue pro. i hope everybody who got elbowed or kicked or stepped on in some form or fashion because of me has healed since friday.

goodness gracious this update is taking so much more time than i expected. i guess this is it for now. smell ya later.