Friday, October 10, 2003

it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood

so yesterday i had the coolest dream ever. i was flying! hehehe all over UT campus, then all the way back home, then i went up to chicago to visit wayne, then up to upenn to visit alex, then to BC for johnny, then down to san antonio for some peeps down there, but then, all of a sudden, i lost my flying abilities! but have no fear, for i had my trusty parachute, right? so i press this button that's supposed to eject my parachute out of my backpack thingie, but, all i hear is this beeping noise! so then i start to panic. i pound the button, but the beeping only continues. then right before i hit the ground with a big smack...

...i wake up. my alarm clock is going off. it's 10:55, and i have class at 11. aah!! stupid beeping noise!! so i jump out of bed screaming some strange noise that wakes peter up as well, and we both rush through our morning routine. i leave the room asap with my essay assignment in hand and rush down to the bus stop. lo and behold, for the first time in my short college career, the bus is there waiting for me!! even though at times the bus takes up to 12 minutes to get to the stop i need to get to, i hop aboard.

2 stops before my destination, i hop off the bus, tired of its super slow pace. man, the weather was PERFECT!! aah i smiled, and then just took off running. i felt like i was on a track team or something, cuz there i was, running down the street at lightning pace. i looked around, and as expected, i was the only one running.

..hahha i just realized that there was no point at all to this entire story was, but it's ok. it's friday!! time to go home!

in 3 hours, at least..
top 10 signs of when it's time to go home

10. there's a passion tour in your hometown.
9. you're so used to jester food, you forget what chinese food tastes like.
8. your laundry basket is once again full.
7. you have a permanent butt imprint in your computer chair.
6. you miss driving.
5. you feel compelled to visit "it's a grind."
4. you miss your friends back home.
3. you miss your home church.
2. you haven't seen your mom in over a month.
1. you've run out of food/money =P

my stock of food 2 weeks ago:

my stock of food now:

Thursday, October 09, 2003

lil M 0 K: HAPPY B-DAY
lil M 0 K: kinda late
BAM warrior: yeah
BAM warrior: punk
lil M 0 K: i was gonna call yesterday..but the tmobile phone was allll the way downstairs
lil M 0 K: so i just went to sleep

aZnbUtAfLy47: yeah i bet that was the biggest happy bday you got so far right?
aZnbUtAfLy47: YAH.. that's right

better late than never =P

jdaVII7: so todays ur bday?
BAM warrior: yesterday

*shaking head*
LeXlAnTiS: hey
LeXlAnTiS: lets go to chipotle for dinner
BAM warrior: why?
LeXlAnTiS: for ur bday
LeXlAnTiS: cuz i wanna eat there
LeXlAnTiS: =P
froggerinthesky: happy bday for tomorrow, mok!!
froggerinthesky: 84-ers, baby REPRESENT!!
froggerinthesky: =)

MegamiMeiko: back from school
MegamiMeiko: and i shall wish you a happy birthday before i go to sleep
MegamiMeiko: and ake up for school again

chuiCHUI train: happy early birthday

KutiePatootiey15: hey happy birthday old man!

happiepenguin: AND HAPPY EARLY B-DAY!
happiepenguin: IN JUST ONE HOUR!

OpHieSpeAks: you poor thing.... age getting to you already?

Sentrosi2: happy birthday!

HeyLookItsXiao: oh yeah
HeyLookItsXiao: crap
HeyLookItsXiao: about 30 minutes late
HeyLookItsXiao: happy bday

MadameXSwan936: happy birthday to u! happy birthday to u! happy birthday dear jonathan..........happy birthday to u! happy 19th birthday jonathan!

LeXlAnTiS: happy bday

skuld187: happy bday mok!

be l l dandy san: HAPPY BDAY

boingchuboing: happy birthday j0rto

littlecanoe4111: happy bday chump

FATSIM0N: hupi buffday chica

littlecanoe4111: only chumps deserve a bday as good as the one i hope you get

feedjmac: tell mok happy bday

twiloite: hey happy birthday!

froggerinthesky: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

i soujiro i: happy bday guy

scott y427: happy birthday?
scott y427: punch time?

JUICEteen109: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (! x 1000)



PuFFyAzniK: hey MOK
PuFFyAzniK: wanted to say happy birthday

Ahonfire: happy bday MOK!

Zhuk33per: happy bday negro

s i me 0n kw n: happy birthday

and also want to give a big THANK YOU for all the people who sent me ecards, emails, a sponge bob water bottle, candy, gave me bday licks, and everyone who randomly stopped by for a quick "HAPPY BDAY"!!

once again, i must say that i truly do have the bestest friends in the world. thanks so much. i'd hug each one of you right now if you were here. and if i wasn't sweaty and nasty from playing ball.

love ya guys =)

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

BAM warrior: i dont know what you heard bout me..
BAM warrior: but you can't get a dollar outta me
BAM warrior: no cadillac no perm you can't see
BAM warrior: cuz im a *@#%*# PIMP
Simy85: hahah
Simy85: many men
Simy85: many many men
Simy85: wish death on me
Simy85: no i wont cry no mo
Simy85: no wont die no mo
BAM warrior: we ride together..
Simy85: we die together
BAM warrior: bad boys fo life!
Simy85: esay
Simy85: bad boys bad boys
Simy85: whatcha gonna do
BAM warrior: wathca gonna do
Simy85: whatcha gonna do
BAM warrior: whatcha gonna do
Simy85: watcha gonna do when they come fo you
Simy85: bad boys bad boys
BAM warrior: when we come for you
Simy85: whatcha gonna do
BAM warrior: nannana
Simy85: shake yo tail featha
BAM warrior: oooooOOOOOooooOOOOOooo
BAM warrior: ooooooooOOOOOoooooOOOOOoo
Simy85: ooweeew

randomness. bet you regret reading through all this, huh? thought this conversation had something meaningful? lol
i am 18 going on 19..lalala..

so this is my final day as an 18-year-old. of course, tomorrow, i will only be a day older than today, but i doubt that's how im gonna feel come tomrorow morning. 19 just seems like such a big number, don't it?

anyhow, usually come this time of the year, i reflect back on the past year of my life and wonder how the heck i could've gotten to this point so quickly. i usually think back on all the major events, all the tears, all the laughs, all the new friends, all the old buds, etc etc etc.

but hey, how about we switch it up this year? cuz forreal, what's the point of looking back? for me, at least, whenever i reminisce about the past, it only makes me homesick and teary-eyed, and forreal, "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened," right? and plus, who said anything's really over?

so this year, i'd just like to share some of my thoughts about the upcoming year, not the year that's quickly fleeting. my first year away from home is packed with expectations. i expect to grow even closer to the Big Guy through prayer meetings, fellowship, and personal devotions. i expect to grow closer to my family back at home and learn to never take them for granted. i expect to become even better friends with my buddies, no matter where they may be. i expect to continue studying hard, cuz when the going gets tough, the tough get going, right? i expect to continue seeking a direction for my life through prayer. i expect to learn to be more patient. i expect to continue to surrender each day of my life to He who deserves my every act of worship.

wow, my first birthday away from home. instead of spending time with all my closest friends at a party like my past birthdays, im probably gonna be talking to peter when the clock strikes 12 tonight, which is always entertaining, to say the least. hehe so once again, im gonna raise a toast. here's to more awesome memories in my final year as a teen. *raises glass*

Monday, October 06, 2003

it's not about whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game!

hahaha ok yeah, i know what you're thinking: THAT'S LOSER TALK! haha well in a sense, maybe you're right. cuz my intramural football team, CBS PLAYMAKERS, are 0-3 for the season, so we're "losers" in that sense, but i wouldn't say that this season was a waste of time. on the contrary, it's taught me a whole lot..

1. having fun is really all that matters.

yeah, i know what you're thinking again: MORE LOSER TALK! but seriously now, i can't say that i havent had fun, even in a losing effort. i mean, sure, i've gotten a bit frustrated at myself for making poor decisions, but hey, it's all good, right? it's all just a game anyways, no?

2. IM football is a great way to have nice fellowship with your teammates.

what can i say, my team is awesome. hehe everyone's really encouraging, with a chorus of "good job's" or "nice try's" or "it's ok's" following every dropped pass, completed pass, interception, or whatever it may be. hehe and at any point in the game, no matter how much we're losing by, everyone still has a positive attitude toward the game. there's usually still smiles all around, so i wonder how much MORE awesome it'll be in 2 weeks when we WIN OUR FINAL GAME!! =)

3. IM football is a great way to make new friends.

im a friendly guy, so i like to make friends. so i tend to throw the ball to people i don't know =P hahah j/k, but yeah, im averaging 3 interceptions a game right now, which is pretty darn bad, but it's alright. it really is a good way to meet people. i mean, cmon, what other quarterback do YOU know who would be willing to give up an interception to make a new friend? huh? what? who? yeah, that's right. im a friggin one of a kind, baby ;)

but anyways, so my team is 0-3 for the season with one final game left. i GUARANTEE that we will win. if we don't, i give you permission to punch me until i turn purple. or, bleed orange. whichever's first =P

Sunday, October 05, 2003

a wild dance i DANCE BEFORE YOU

God is awesome, no? at ACC today, i just couldn't help but start dancing when we sang "i will not forget You." and the best part was knowing that i meant every single word of that song. by the time the song was finally over, i was sweating a bit, but i hardly even noticed. in light of everything that has been going through my mind, im really learning to count my blessings and not take anything for granted. Many men drink the rain / And turn and thank the clouds, but may we all remember who our Great Provider is and always will be.

- MercyMe

Why would I spend my life longing for the day that it would end?
Why would I spend my time pointing to another man?
Isn’t that crazy?

How can I find hope in dying, with promises unseen?
How can I learn your way is better
In everything I’m taught to be?
Isn’t that crazy?

I have not been called to the wisdom of this world
But to a God who's calling out to me
And even though the world may think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity

And if I boast let me boast
Of filthy rags made clean
And if I glory let me glory
In my Savior's suffering

Isn’t that crazy?

And as I live this daily life
I trust you for everything
And I will only take a step
When I feel You leading me

Isn’t that crazy?

I have not been called to the wisdom of this world
But to a God who is calling out to me
And even though the world my think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity

Call me crazy
You can call me crazy
Call me crazy

call me crazy.