Friday, May 14, 2004

closing time..

i was browsing through pictures, and these were my favorite.

closing time..
time for you to go out to the places you will be from..

mok says: haha guess what
plz alby plz: lol what
mok says: yesterday i got in trouble at the comp lab because i was singing backstreet boys
plz alby plz: thats my boy
plz alby plz: haha
mok says: haha
mok says: yeah, thought you'd be proud of me
mok says: someone from across the room came over and asked me if i could sing quieter
mok says: so i just got up and left
plz alby plz: hahaha
plz alby plz: and then u started dancing
mok says: fo sho
mok says: the whole monty
mok says: hand motions and everything
mok says: i was on my knees
plz alby plz: hahah
plz alby plz: thats what i like to hear


Wednesday, May 12, 2004

freshman challenge

so here i am, a year wiser than i was a year ago. this time last year, i was terrified of leaving home for college. now, even though i miss being home, i can't wait until i come back to UT.

oh btw, i haven't slept in 20 hours, and i just took my macroeconomics final exam, so please forgive me if i don't make too much sense. oh, and excuse the rambling.

so what have i learned in this first year of "freedom"? let's break it down into 4 categories: God, school, friendships, and girls.

my first year away from home definitely had its ups and downs. personally, getting acquainted with CBS and Liquid had a few growing pains, but i know for sure that God has placed me where He wants me to be.

while there is some room for improvement as far as consistency is concerned, i've been keeping up with quiet times and prayer this semester. after much prayer, i've decided to be a CBS small group leader next year. i'm excited and nervous at the same time. ya know the feeling? i can't wait until i get to meet my boys, but then again, a part of me still feels somewhat inadequate for the job. but it's nothing that more prayers can't help =)

first semester was a breeze; second was somewhat of a struggle. i went to maybe 1/5 of my classes first semester but ended up with a 4.0; i attended 75% of my classes this semester and am struggling for a 3.25. classes got a lot harder, but i guess i still need to find that medium between superhardworking and superlazy.

im still unsure of what i want to double major in, but hopefully after getting my first taste of real business classes next semester, i will have a better idea of which subject i want to invest my career in.

i don't think i thank God enough for providing me with so many genuine friendships this year. i feel so blessed to be a part of such an awesome freshman class. there are so many different personalities, and yet we can all somehow get along and have tons of fun simply acting like ourselves.

all the late-night eating, singing in restaurants, hours of balling, non-stop laughter, and incredible fellowship have made this year impossible to forget. this class is something special, no doubt, and i have no fear of the "sophomore slump" at all =)

i conquered the freshman challenge. for those of you who have no idea what challenge im talking about, here it is in written form.

I, Jonathan Mok, on September 11 of 2003, do hereby accept the FRESHMEN CHALLENGE; during my freshmen year of college, I will commit myself to pursuing God whole-heartedly (Psalm 119:8-9), because He promises that when I put Him first, He will provide (Psalm 37:4). For this reason, I will enjoy a period of chosen singleness for the entire duration of my freshman year.

it actually was a lot easier than i had anticipated. although there were a couple of times where i felt as if it would become a challenge to set aside all thoughts of the opposite sex and keep pursuing God with all my heart, God always found a way to settle my mind on Him. 4 words always put my heart to rest -- God's timing is perfect.

i've learned so much about myself in this past year. i remember in the past, my parents would always claim "you don't even know what you want in the opposite sex yet." back then, i would stomp my stubborn feet and disagree. but now, at 19 years of age and as a freshman in college, i must admit that i STILL do not know exactly what i am looking for in "the one." moreover, i know i am still not ready to date...yet.

what can i say, i'm a picky guy. never mind, that word carries such a negative connotation. let's just say i'm "particular." here's the basic stuff i look for in a girl:
- loves God passionately
- someone i can talk to about nothing and everything
- a smile that i can't help but return a smile to
- an amazing sense of humor
- endless compassion, generosity, and thoughtfulness
- enjoys spending time together no matter what we're doing
- always knows exactly what to say to brighten my day
- a goofy side that evens out the serious side
- slow to anger
- optimistic and encouraging

it never ceases to amaze me how much i hear about people talking about getting into a dating relationship. it seems like some people can't bear to think about anything else. as for me, i am not worried at all. i'm not being proud or cocky or anything like that, but i just know deep down inside that God will provide when the timing is right.

have i thought about who that special someone might be? of course, i'm only human. does it consume my mind? no, because being human, i know my emotions can change any minute. all i can do now is simply wait for that magical epiphany and do my best not to land myself on that infamous "creepy guy list." and when i reach that point of spiritual maturity where i am prepared to lead me and my significant other in an intimate, Christ-filled relationship, i know God will open my eyes and show me the way.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


wow. i have reached 1291 posts.

anyways, i have a final tomorrow morning, so im gonna go study my day/night/morning away.

congrats to the returning thug of the week: greenbeanZZZZ

so tonight was senior farewell. MAN just being there made me so nostalgic. before you know it, it's gonna be us freshmen up there awaiting our doom. i mean our graduation. mad mad MAD props to all the freshmen who helped out with our song/dance/frollicking. you guys were awesome!! the only problem is that we set a pretty high standard for ourselves for the years to come, but i'm sure that won't be too much of a problem =)

pictures will come later, as will a video.


Monday, May 10, 2004


no words. just pictures. not including these first 3 sentences. i mean fragments.