Wednesday, August 17, 2005

alex fan

(video unavailable)

can you believe that was almost 3 years ago? time really flies, huh? well, thanks for doing the almost impossible task of making me look mature. i didn't think it was humany possible, but hey, you never cease to amaze me.

happy birthday lex.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

titus lam

haha this picture still cracks me up everytime i see it:

i think one of the biggest signs of a strong friendship is the existence of inside jokes -- things that only you and one other person can laugh all day about, while everyone else has no idea what's going on.

MHM. it's the hardest thing i'll ever have to do. thank you for the cross, my friend. you hungry? when have you ever gotten hurt when i was playing?

happy birthday, loverboy.