Monday, February 28, 2005

Jackson, Mississippi

As you may well know, I have been involved with Asian American Campus Ministry, formerly known as Chinese Bible Study, while being a student at the University of Texas. I have recently come across a great opportunity to take part in a spring break project in Jackson, Mississippi.

We will be working with the John M. Perkins Foundation (, whose vision and mission are as follows:

To see lives redeemed among the poor which will in turn redeem/ biblically transform whole communities.

To raise up, nurture, and equip leadership who will wholistically minister to the poor through communicating Biblical truth to achieve the building of community through Reconciliation, Relocation and Redistribution.

Now, you may ask, what exactly will I be doing in Jackson, Mississippi? Good question. No, going on this trip is not just another lame excuse to stay away from home and spend more time relaxing and watching my life waste away. On the contrary, this mission trip will require a lot of manual labor in an effort to rebuild houses, community centers, and vocational training schools. Another main part of our plan is to really reach out and get to know people in the community, and in turn, learn from them and their lives.

We will also have many opportunities to feed the homeless, serve kids in the community while they are on spring break, and attend church in the community. And in an effort to truly experience firsthand the lives of the people we will be serving, we will be cooking our own food, so once again, you can rest assured that this will not be a five-star vacation.

This is the fourth year that AACM has been involved in this project, and many people’s lives have been changed as a result of this trip. For instance, many of the students who have attended this project in the past are currently volunteering with homeless shelters, local community clubs like The Boys and Girls Club in Austin, and thinking through how this experience will shape their life after graduation.

In order for me to participate in this project, I need to raise $250 to help pay for the building materials, cost of food for the week, and our travel expenses. Would you please consider making a one-time tax-deductible donation to help make this trip happen? Please make a check out to IVCF and send the donation to 2200 San Antonio St. Austin, TX 78705. Put my name in the memo line and it will be credited to my account.

If you don’t write checks, any cash or piece of spare change is greatly appreciated. Everything helps, so please don’t think that you’re giving too little.

If you are unable to support me financially, all hope is not lost. I hope that you would keep me and the rest of my team in your prayers as we venture to Jackson, Mississippi, in hopes of loving others as Christ has loved us. Prayer really works, folks. Thanks for your help in making this mission trip possible =)


Jonathan Mok


this is my donation box:

please feel free to stop by my room (jester west 500) at anytime if you would like to help fund my trip. seriously, ANYTHING helps. also please please PLEASE keep this mission trip in your prayers..

donators: david park, phillip lee, johanna yu, jeremy chu, grace chen, sarah leung, jeremy lau, titus lam, melody wang, john & grace lin

thanks so much!!