Friday, April 09, 2004

fool me once, shame on you;
fool me twice, shame on me.

so after getting owned by angela on april 1, i had to get my revenge. if you don't know what im talking about, then refer to my april 1 post. oh, and here's a picture to go with it, ya know, for all you visual people.

so yesterday, i decided to get my revenge.

titus3l5: angela
titus3l5: lol, hes out cold
titus3l5: =x
DEWD roplett: hahaha again??
titus3l5: =[]
DEWD roplett: hi titus
DEWD roplett: haha
titus3l5: he wouldnt expect 2 days in a row would he
DEWD roplett: hahaahha
titus3l5: he hasnt even moved in a while
DEWD roplett: hmmm
titus3l5: i just got back from dinner
titus3l5: hes been sleeping since like 5
titus3l5: he might be out for another 10 hours
titus3l5: =x
DEWD roplett: omg
DEWD roplett: haha
DEWD roplett: ok well lemme eat something first
DEWD roplett: and i'll come over
DEWD roplett: hahahaah
DEWD roplett: and we can try
titus3l5: wait wait
DEWD roplett: ??
titus3l5: let me pick something up from jasen
titus3l5: and ill be back ina sec
DEWD roplett: haha okay, well i needa eat first
DEWD roplett: so that's cool
titus3l5: ok, back
titus3l5: how long you gonna eat?
DEWD roplett: mmmm
DEWD roplett: well i have sg @ 8:30
titus3l5: lol
titus3l5: then you better hurry!
titus3l5: =x
DEWD roplett: hahaha
DEWD roplett: well if not today, we can do something tomorrow
DEWD roplett: hahaha
DEWD roplett: do u have classes tom?
DEWD roplett: or r they all canceled?
titus3l5: i dunno if hes gonna stay
titus3l5: because i have a lab report to do tonight
titus3l5: kinda need some quiet
DEWD roplett: ooo okay
DEWD roplett: yeah that's cool
DEWD roplett: prolly not today then
DEWD roplett: haha
titus3l5: whaaaat
DEWD roplett: hahaha
titus3l5: come on
titus3l5: dotn be a party pooper
DEWD roplett: well i'm heating something right now
DEWD roplett: hahahaha
titus3l5: come while it heats up!
DEWD roplett: hahaha i'll come after i eat
titus3l5: okok
DEWD roplett: it'll be like 10-15 min.
titus3l5: ok
titus3l5: hurry
DEWD roplett: hahaha
titus3l5: i dont want him to wake up or anything
titus3l5: hahah
DEWD roplett: hahahahaa
titus3l5: i just want him to lay there
titus3l5: for like a few hours
titus3l5: with foam on his face
DEWD roplett: haha
DEWD roplett: LOL
DEWD roplett: omg!
DEWD roplett: haha
DEWD roplett: ok
titus3l5: k
titus3l5: you coming now?
DEWD roplett: no....
DEWD roplett: i just started eating!
DEWD roplett: haha
titus3l5: so slow!
DEWD roplett: hey!
DEWD roplett: it just finished heating
titus3l5: WHAAT
titus3l5: .......
DEWD roplett: hahaha
DEWD roplett: u do it!
DEWD roplett: then
DEWD roplett: hahaha
DEWD roplett: and take pictures
DEWD roplett: yeah i don't think i can do it today
DEWD roplett: cuz sg is almost starting
DEWD roplett: sorrrryyy titusss :-)
titus3l5: itll take like 5 minutes
titus3l5: i got hte camera ready
titus3l5: and the cream!
DEWD roplett: hahahaha
titus3l5: its all set to go
DEWD roplett: lol
titus3l5: come come
titus3l5: just a little late for sg is ok
DEWD roplett: but i'm still eating!!!
titus3l5: =]
DEWD roplett: okay
titus3l5: bring your food
DEWD roplett: lemme finish eating
titus3l5: eat on the way
titus3l5: =]
DEWD roplett: haha errr okay....

in the meantime, me and titus are planning out the entire act..

and of course, our plan works to perfection.

i lie down on the sleeping bag and pretend to be sleeping. angela comes in and titus gives her the camera. she then snaps 2 shots; one of him putting shaving cream on my face, and the other of him rejoicing afterwards.

after giggling her heart out for a good few minutes after i proceeded to smear the shaving cream over my face in my "sleep," titus takes the camera back and tells angela to go to work. she was a bit reluctant at first, but after putting shaving cream on my face twice, titus goes in for the kill.

"put the cream on the other side of his face." thinking that she has owned mr. mok so very badly already, she agrees. but it still wasn't close enough. "get in the picture with him," titus pleaded. she inched a bit closer, and after hearing the magic cue words from titus, "don't laugh," i take my chances and go for the headshot.

woah, waddya know, i was awake the whole time and had shaving cream in my other hand that was carefully hidden under the covers! bling.

and now for the victory pose..

don't mess with texas. i mean, me. don't mess with me.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

God works in mysterious ways

I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay

you ever get one of those feelings that just makes you feel all crazy inside?

one of those feelings where you just want to knock on everyone's door on your hall and just scream with joy?

one of those feelings where you just want to grab any random person and just tell them what's on your mind?

one of those feelings deep-down inside where you just know in your heart that God's at work?

God definitely works in mysterious ways. it's 9 AM, and i haven't slept a wink yet, but i wouldn't feel right with myself falling asleep without sharing this.

as many of you may know, richard wang accepted Christ tuesday evening. you know, a few years ago, i would have never thought that i would be saying those words.

i first met richard in 7th grade at first colony middle school. got to know him better throughout the year, especially after rooming with him during the orchestra trip to Chicago. i think it was in 8th grade where i finally decided to invite him to go to middle school fellowship with me.

haha and you know, i don't really remember if he ever went with me. i know he went one time in middle school because i remembered playing ball afterwards, but other than that, i think he basically rejected me every other time. but i guess that just adds to the story.

nothing really happened until last year. it's interesting, because after my car accident where i totalled my car, i was just thinking to myself, "ok, so i know everything happens for a reason, but what was the reason for this?"

sure enough, it soon hit me. i learned so much from that night, promising myself to always take driving seriously and to never take things for granted.

that same night, i talked to richard online until the wee hours of the morning. i shared with him my experiences, though to this day, im not sure why. perhaps because no one else was online? only God knows, but i know He set up the meeting for a reason.

since that time, i've been praying for God to really touch his heart because i knew that he was searching. it was also such an encouragement to know that i wasn't the only one praying or trying to reach out to richard.

now here we are. about a year later, and lo and behold, richard has accepted Christ. after i heard, i was just speechless. i felt like a 3-year-old kid again with a 3-word vocabulary. all i could think of or say were words like "wow, man, awesome"...i had always dreamed of this day, and the day had finally come.

so you ever get one of those feelings that just makes you feel all crazy inside?

one of those feelings where you just want to knock on everyone's door on your hall and just scream with joy?

one of those feelings where you just want to grab any random person and just tell them what's on your mind?

one of those feelings deep-down inside where you just know in your heart that God's at work?

I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay

praise God.
meant to live for so much more

i pulled another all-nighter studying for my chemistry exam, and one of the topics covered was steroids. on a little side note in the textbook (those things between sections that are awesome because they won't be on the test and they're only there to take up space and waste time), it said this:

In a survey of world-class athletes, 50% said they would take a drug that would enable them to win an Olympic gold medal, even though it would probably cause their death within 10 years.

uh, does this sound incredibly INSANE to anyone else?

ok so that gave me inspiration for my new poll you see there floating across the top of the screen. rest assured, i came up with this poll question all by myself, with no outside assistance.

if you were a world-class athlete, would you take a drug that would enable you to win an Olympic gold medal, even though it would probably cause your death within 10 years?

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

my sincerest apologies

wow, it's been nearly a week since my last real post. to all of you people who have been visiting my blog countless times each day waiting for that much-needed update, i'm sorry.

no, i have not been hospitalized with some unknown virus that has kept me from blogging. and no, i have not come down with a serious case of arthritis in both of my hands that prohibits me from typing. i have just been busy. and lazy. and sleepy.

for the most part, not too much has happened in the past 6 days. let's see, on friday jon-erik came up from sugar land just to see me. well, me and switchfoot, but mostly me =P chilled at the switchfoot concert with tiffany, christine, JE, angela, jennifer, annie, sara, oliver, and jeremy. it was quite awesome. oh, and it was michael tu's birthday too! cool beans.

saturday, em..i did absolutely nothing. caught up with sleep, if that counts for anything.

sunday, went to liquid, stayed up all night working on some business project thing.

monday, yao ming softball club won our last game to make it to the playoffs! woot! we won 52-0!! ok fine, so we won by default, but hey, we're still in the playoffs, yo. DID i do yesterday? i can't even remember. man, im getting old. but OH, richard accepted Christ yesterday! =) i will elaborate on this story later.

and now it's wednesday. i am at the pcl, studying for my chem test tomorrow.

once again, a humble apology to my faithful blog subscribers. i will be sure to update whenever i get the chance.

have a blessed day.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

thank you, come again

i was planning on posting an exciting update on what's been happening in my life, or even reward you for visiting my blog with an thought-provoking entry, but im busy. i would if i could but i can't.