Saturday, March 13, 2004

spring break day 1

mok says: what you up to
sccsdar Z unm: programming i pity engineering students.

po o onmaster: are you doin nething tomororw?
mok says: yeah why?
mok says: gotta go visit some people in new territory
po o onmaster: ic
po o onmaster: nm
po o onmaster: i was wondering if you wanted to come pick me up
po o onmaster: in austin

sure thing, mr. president.

anyhow, i have heard that there are rumors floating around that there is absolutely NOTHING to do in sugar land. although there may be a great deal of evidence behind this theory, i must insist that sugar land, like other great towns, are all about the people.

ok, so you're still asking, what is there to do in sugar land? click here or there to find out.

note: do not try this at home. this video was made by professionals. as far as the identities of these professionals are concerned, im afraid i can not readily supply that information at this time. thank you.
the break of spring

yesterdaynight/thismorning was awesome. ultimate frisbee at clark field, followed by a wacky game of soccer. good times. afterwards a group of about 15 walked over to taco cabana. unfortunately, the place was packed, so the herd migrated to kerbey lane. funny thing is, it was overflowing with people as well. so once again, we headed all the way back to taco cabana. haha out of control.

fast forward 14 hours.

so im home. home sweet home. after a crazy, hectic, heart-stopping, sleep-deprived ride home with xiao's dad behind the wheel, i walked into my house and felt like i was in an entirely different neighborhood. it was weird. actually, sugar land in general seemed so foreign..

anyways, here's a couple pics of the remodeling stuff that's going on in my house.

anyhow, went out to eat dinner at denny's with alex, peter, phil, xiao, david, jeremy, jen ma, and WAYNE!! =)

afterwards, headed to alex's house and reassembled our potato gun. then skipped 2 houses over to deborah's and launched it once from her backyard across the lake. we didn't see anything, but we sure heard it. i think we hit someone's roof. too bad xiao can't aim. then we all ran inside to hide.

decided to shoot it a couple more times. haha too fun. video will be available soon.

played texas jorto at jeremy's house. hahahah simon. i don't think i should reveal any details though..for batman's sake, anyhow.

*sigh can anyone believe it's SPRING BREAK already?! insanity..

littlecutetiff: im hungry
mok says: me too
littlecutetiff: let's order food or something
littlecutetiff: where do you live?
mok says: im in sugar land
littlecutetiff: oh
littlecutetiff: dang it

Thursday, March 11, 2004

the breakfast club


if you wish to join this breakfast club, you have one more day before spring break..

TUESDAY: me, titus, lina, rudy, melvin

WEDNESDAY: me, titus, lina, johanna, jho, jessica, andy

THURSDAY: me, titus, lina, weili, phil, jennifer, janie

i gotta give props to titus, lina, and myself for being the only constants =P

don't ask why, just come.

anyways, i kinda still need a ride home TOMORROW, any takers? =)

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

rotflmao..well, at least lol

so i was talking to lam online, and he requested that i give him some girl screennames, so i offer him my brother's sn, promising that he was as feminine as it gets..

Lamvu187: whats up
Mr mmMok: hi
Mr mmMok: who are you
Lamvu187: i'm mok's friend
Mr mmMok: oh
Mr mmMok: i c
Lamvu187: i asked him to hoook me up w/ a girl and he said to talk to you
Lamvu187: so whats up
Mr mmMok: ...
Lamvu187: =-O
Mr mmMok: that loser
Lamvu187: haha i'm just playing around
Mr mmMok: hehe
Mr mmMok: so are you really jon's friend?
Lamvu187: who is jon
Mr mmMok: my bro
Mr mmMok: jonathan
Mr mmMok: 'mok'
Lamvu187: ohh
Lamvu187: i didn't know that was his name
Mr mmMok: wahh?
Mr mmMok: so are you 'mok' 's friend?
Lamvu187: i thought it was mok
Lamvu187: i'm his girlfriend
Mr mmMok: uh huh
Lamvu187: want to see what i look lie
Lamvu187: like
Mr mmMok: ...sure
lamvu187 wants to directly connect.
Mr mmMok is now directly connected.
Lamvu187: thats me trying to bend that bar
Lamvu187: :-D
Mr mmMok: i c..
Lamvu187: i'm kinda cute huh?
Lamvu187: mok tells me all the time

a few seconds later..

Mr mmMok: who's
Mr mmMok: lamvu187
mok says: hahahhaa
mok says: why
Mr mmMok: he/she IMed me
Mr mmMok: who is it?
Mr mmMok: he/she says you're a friend
Mr mmMok: ...and a girlfriend
Mr mmMok: and he/she doesnt know your first name
Mr mmMok: ahhhh i dont know
mok says: hahhhahahahahha
Mr mmMok: wah
Mr mmMok: and he/she just gave me a pic of her trying to bend a bar?
Mr mmMok: i dont know.

Mr mmMok: anyway
Mr mmMok: get her away from me
Mr mmMok: or he
Mr mmMok: w/e that thing is

hahaha please tell me im not the only one who finds this hilarious..

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

today is tuesday

had a nice late dinner (or early breakfast) today with titus, melvin, rudy, and lina at taco cabana. yummy stuff, i must say. did anyone else know that place is open 24/7?! ah, amazing..


mok says: i put up a new thing on the side
mok says: like
mok says: "thug of the week"
mok says: you can be the first one
titus3l5: hahah
titus3l5: up to you
titus3l5: then people will have to send you thug pics
mok says: yeah thas cool
titus3l5: they have to give you a thug name too
titus3l5: you can call me Mr. T
titus3l5: thx

so congratulations to mean, Mr. T, for being the very first "thug of the week." his intimidating picture can be found to your right, below the tagboard. i will alternate the thugs every sunday night or monday morning. of course, it is not out of the question to have a thug maintain his "thug of the week" title for consecutive weeks. wanna be the next thug of the week? send me your thuggiest picture, and you just might beat out Mr. T next week.

greenbeanlina: maaan i can be ghetto to the MAX
greenbeanlina: times ten
mok says: foshizzle?!
greenbeanlina: forizzle!
mok says: hahahhaa
greenbeanlina: 8-)

anyhow, also on the agenda, perhaps it is time to change out the poll you see swimming across the top of the page. i suppose it's evident from the poll results that the acronym "LOL" is sometimes misused. there is no question in my mind that the world would be a much better place if "LOL" was used sparingly, and only when truly necessary.

so im sure all of you are asking the same burning question: what will the next poll be?!

mok says: i need your help for a very important matter
hamst3rluvr: shoot
mok says: i value your creativity skills, so im depending on you
mok says: i need a poll question
hamst3rluvr: haha
hamst3rluvr: hhahaha
hamst3rluvr: hmm..well, in the bathrooms of chs
hamst3rluvr: they have this newsletter dealio
hamst3rluvr: that they tape inside the bathroom stalls
hamst3rluvr: so when you pee/poop, you can read 'em
hamst3rluvr: hahaha great, huh?
hamst3rluvr: well, anyway
mok says: ...
hamst3rluvr: they have quesitons on the bottom of the letters, and one of 'em was, "would you rather go a week without brushing your teeth? or a week without taking a shower?"
mok says: hmmm...
mok says: that's a good one
hamst3rluvr: hahaha..but if i think of an even better one, ill let you know
mok says: alrighty
mok says: thanks
hamst3rluvr: noooo problemo
hamst3rluvr: oh!
mok says: oh?
hamst3rluvr: wait..n/m
mok says: hahaha

haha justine's awesome. so there you have it. the poll's running laps at the top. catch it!

Monday, March 08, 2004

my GREATEST fear

i left out my greatest fear a couple of days ago -- the fear of not knowing what to do with my life.

it feels weird being here at UT sometimes. i look around me, and it seems like i am the only one who doesn't know which company i'm gonna be working for in 5 years.

is it just me? am i the sole person who feels guilty for not having any definite plan in mind?

as you may know, i am currently a student in the business honors program. how did i get here? im not sure. what am i doing here? i have yet to find out.

simply put, i chose business because i hate math and science. it's simply that simple. now, with a semester and a half under my belt, i am just as confused as when i first set foot on campus. what exactly IS business? is this what i want to do?

i mean, i just sat through an entire hour and a half of ba102H class listening to a lecture about how to "dress to impress," followed by a short "fashion show" put on by the peer mentors. i listened attentively and applauded when necessary, but in the back of my mind, i couldn't help but wonder what i was doing there.

so far, all i know about business is that contrary to sprite's motto, image is EVERYTHING. as long as you look like you want the job, dress nice, and appear confident, you are set. is it really that easy? and is it really that superficial?

God, show me a direction -- i will follow your lead.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

gimpy version 2.0

we lost by 3. haha i think it's best that i just come right out and say it. it was a good game, and with the score tied and 12 seconds left, eric kao drained a 3 over the outstretched arms of phil to ice the game. i ended up with 18 points.

unfortunately, i found myself on my rear end several times during the game, and at the very end, i took a pretty bad spill and reinjured my left ankle, not to mention my right knee. so now that i am thoroughly banged up, i think i will rest my sore body from any basketball for a bit.

anyhow, thanks to everyone who came out to cheer for the game! i don't really wanna even try to name all the names because i'm almost 100% sure that i will leave someone out, so i won't. but i gotta give a shoutout to titus and johanna for taking the time to make me a poster. you guys are awesome. whether it encouraged or discouraged me, i can't say for sure, but hey, it's the thought that counts right? i wish i had a camera with me so i could post a picture, but the poster said "from crutch to clutch." har har..

so the JORTOS finished the season an unimpressive 1-3, but if you were there to watch the games, im sure you would agree that we deserved a much better record. but after all is said and done, we missed the playoffs by 1 game. am i disappointed? i won't lie -- i would have liked to get a taste of the playoffs, but hey, when it all comes down to it, basketball really IS just a game.

and of course, the entire purpose behind CBS league intramurals is to have fun, and with that in mind, im sure that the "fun" level of this season was off the charts. so after a season of vigorous practices (or lack thereof), supporting fans, and a few injuries on the side, i still have a smile on my face.

after all, there IS always next year. shame on me for committing the "freshman mistake" and only playing on one IM team.

but watch out, because next season, man oh MAN, the sophomore team is gonna OWN UP. enough said =)
game time

i've decided to play in my intramural game. actually, if you know me, there really wasn't ever any question as to whether or not i'd play, but whatever. my ankle is about 80% right now, so if you decide to come watch the game, don't be disappointed if i play below your expectations. =P

anyhow, game is at 4:30. be there or be square. yeah.

(oh btw, the winner of the game gets into the playoffs)

mok says: hey you have dress pants?
titus3l5: yah
titus3l5: why
mok says: i need to dress up tomorrow
mok says: for a presentation
titus3l5: for profject?
titus3l5: oh
mok says: yeah
mok says: you have a dress shirt?
titus3l5: lol
mok says: and a tie?
titus3l5: its really dirty
mok says: and dress shoes?
titus3l5: ;alkdfsj;lkasjdf
mok says: and dress socks?
mok says: i have a belt
mok says: hahahhahah

oh btw, the HOUSTON ROCKETS beat the DALLAS MAVERICKS this afternoon.
