Thursday, October 20, 2005

happy birthday to this guy.

if you have to change, may it only be for the better.

(ever have one of those moments where you're like "oh crap, my brother's 17?!" i just did.)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


over the years, i've had plenty of people ask me why i don't just switch to xanga. well, seeing as my blog's 4th birthday, i've decided that this is as good a time as any to defend blogger from the xanga bandwagon.

so here are my top 5 reasons why i hate xanga:

5. i have no idea where the word "xanga" originated from
you see, a "blog" is short for a "web log." if you say it fast enough or slur them together messy enough, it sounds like "blog." but what does "xanga" mean? please enlighten me.

4. xanga subscriptions take the adventure out of surfing
you know when i first learned the joys of xanga subscriptions, i was amazed. it was so unbelievably convenient that i almost ditched my blog on the spot. however, there's just something about seeing all the updates in an email that just made the whole thing lose its appeal. i especially hate it when you read someone's xanga post one night and then get the post in an email the next morning. this is probably my most recent pet peeve.

3. the concept of "eprops" confuses the crap outta me
what exactly are eprops? do you get to turn them in for something once you reach a certain point, like at chuck e cheese or something? yeah i just don't understand that at all.

2. reading and not commenting warrants the death penalty
after reading a xanga post, i think people feel almost guilty if they don't leave a comment. is it true that people can see who visits their xanga everyday? maybe that tugs at people's consciences. cuz i mean if they see your xangausername there, and they can't match that up with a comment on the post, it's pretty much a slap to the face. what? you went to my xanga and didn't comment?! =( =( =(

1. xanga premium sounds like a huge scam
so i went to, and i found this little note on the side:

Xanga Premium's xTools editor lets you change the text, background and border color of your posts!
and here are the prices:

1 month = $4
6 months = $15 [save 38%!]
12 months = $25 [save 49% - our most popular plan!]
24 months = $50 [save 49% - longer savings!]
LIFETIME = $100 [never pay for premium again!]

am i the only one who really doesn't understand this? i mean even 1 month for $4 is crazy. that's 20 chicken nuggets from wendy's! and lifetime subscription for $100?! i wonder how long it took for the first person who ordered that to realize that they had just wasted a nice crisp benjamin franklin for the ability to get a nicer looking font, maybe a pretty background, and a border for their posts! yayyyy!

if anybody could sit me down and explain any of these issues to me, that would be great. but in the meantime..

happy birthday,! blogger for lyfe.